Monday, May 24, 2004

FIT released - enterprise version nearing completion...

Very busy the past few days...

We've just released our new Issue Tracking Software -- Alcea Fast IssueTrack ...

The "Enterprise" (database vs. flat file) version of our software engine is nearing completion - we're testing with as many databases as possible to ensure that we don't produce something that will require a tricky patch down the road for customers that start using the enterprise version right away...

We're also specing out a commandline interface for Alcea Fast BugTrack... Something that will use our existing SOAP interface - and that could be called by 3rd-party tools (say - to interface with a source code repository such as CVS, Visual Source Safe, etc... ) or by uber-geeks that don't want to go to the trouble of working in a visual environment...

Lots of stuff touched on in this post - perhaps will get time to go into more detail as time goes on... Going to try turn on comments and see if anything appears...


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